I apologize that it that I am so behind on this post! But here it is!
I really can't believe we've been doing Revolt for 6 weeks now.
Last week was Detox week. I'm going to be very honest. It was the worst thing ever!
By day two I was so sick of the food that I honestly would have rather not eaten at all. I was in a horrible mood most of the week and felt pretty doggone miserable. Now, that being said, I did see results. And Scott saw even better ones. But, I don't know if I could do it again.....
After six weeks....
P.S. I'm sorry I look scary in all of these pics. I'm not one of those look pretty at the gym kind of people haha
Now, I don't want to paint a false picture of what this get fit journey has been for me. Overall it has been great!! And that is what I want to emphasize. But, there have also been really hard times and I've learned a lot. I'm not perfect and somedays I get discouraged because I'm not changing as drastically or quickly as I want to. But slow and steady wins the race!! The most important thing I've learned is to STOP COMPARING. It is toxic. When I start thinking "oh if I could only have her body" or "I wish I had a tiny waist like hers" I start viewing myself in a negative light. It's great to think that someone else is beautiful, fit or skinny. But comparing yourself to them is just bad news. What I've come to understand through this whole process is that maybe, no matter how hard I work I will never look like that girl. My goal is to be the best me!! Not only in fitness and health, but in all other aspects of my life.
I feel strong! More muscle than I've ever had! blurry pic
I don't like showing my tummy (for modesty reasons) but you can start to see signs of possible abs....
Any questions about my experience with Revolt?? Leave them below and I'd love to answer them in my next post:)
Any questions about my experience with Revolt?? Leave them below and I'd love to answer them in my next post:)
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