On being Happy

Life has been crazier than ever. 
For me, It's full of grad school readings, assignments, research, painting, and attempting to blog.
For him, its working. Day, night and usually the moments in between too. 
We don't get to see each other as much as we used to. 
But, I think it makes those times we do get together even more special.
And I have to say, I am happier than ever. 

It's not because my life is perfect, because it is definitely not, no one's is.
I'm happy because I choose to be. 

I wasn't always that way. 
About seven years ago, my family moved to a new state (that felt like a different country)
I was in the middle of my junior year of high school. 
I wasn't very happy. Actually, I was kind of angry and depressed. 
I lived that way for months.
Upset about my circumstances, sad about what I was missing and close minded to the things I did have.
One night I was sitting in my bed crying about my situation and I realized something. 
I was doing this to myself. 

I decided at that moment that I wasn't in control of what happened in my life,
but I was in control of how I reacted to it. 

I didn't change over night.
But I woke up each day and prayed to my Father in Heaven in gratitude for all of my blessings
and I asked him to help me see all the positive. 
He helped me change my mind and the way I see things.
He helped me create a habit.

So, one of my greatest trials turned into one of my greatest blessings. 
It's easier said than done,
but it's totally worth it. 

So, choose to be happy today! It's awesome. 

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P.S. I know that depression is a real medical condition and that changing your mindset can't fix it. I'm just talking about everyday stresses and trials. I want to be sensitive to that. I just wanted to share my experience. 
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