
Life lately...
 Football season started!!! Both Scott and I LIVE for football season. So exciting!
 I used to run so much more than I do now (the crowded and stinky gym sees most of my time), but I got out of the house early last Saturday and went on a good long run. Always hard to get myself to go, but I always love it when I do.   
Last Sunday we had Kati and Reagan over for game night! We have so much fun with these two! And Kati made the most AMAZING chocolate chip cookies. 
I survived my the first day of school. I didn't realize until after that it was my last first day ever. The second year of grad school is externships, so it's my last year of classes! Hallelujah 
 And the homework begins..... reading upon more reading.

Life has been a little crazy this week adjusting to a new schedule. 
The first week of the semester was great. It always is! You get to enjoy the classes without being completely overwhelmed by all of the work you need to do. It will build up though, that is for sue!
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