Today we have been married 9 months. They really have been the best of my life.
I fall more in love with this man everyday and I feel so unbelievably lucky to call him mine.
Obviously I'm not an expert when it comes to marriage, but I have learned a few things
these past 9 months that have made our marriage practically perfect and amazing in so many ways.
1. Be selfless. Always.
We don't love someone because they serve us. We love someone, because we serve them.
My love for my husband grows leaps and bounds when I do things for him. Little or big.
Without any expectations in return, but simply because I love him.
2. Love Yourself.
"We must be our own before we can be another's"
When I take care of myself spiritually and physically, I am undoubtedly happier.
When I am happier, our marriage is happier. I am more loving, more giving and more confident.
3. Forgive Instantly.
"Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way"
No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. I make them all the time!
But there is no room in our marriage for resentment. Resentment can build and grow
into something large and hideous. We forgive each other immediately, put it in the past and move on.
We learn from our mistakes but we don't dwell on them.
4. Pray Together.
"Families that pray together stay together"
I don't think there is anything that brings us closer. It increases our love and understanding for one another.
It helps us to focus on what really matters. It humbles us and brings us closer to God.
When we are closer to God we are closer to each other.
5. Have Fun!
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a way of life"
Marriage is a blast! We love to get out and enjoy life. Those adventurous memories are some of our favorites.
Having fun together, even in the littlest of ways, increases our love.
It makes life exciting and fills everyday with joy!
Everyday we choose joy and we choose each other.
I can't wait to see where eternity takes us!

I fall more in love with this man everyday and I feel so unbelievably lucky to call him mine.
Obviously I'm not an expert when it comes to marriage, but I have learned a few things
these past 9 months that have made our marriage practically perfect and amazing in so many ways.
1. Be selfless. Always.
We don't love someone because they serve us. We love someone, because we serve them.
My love for my husband grows leaps and bounds when I do things for him. Little or big.
Without any expectations in return, but simply because I love him.
2. Love Yourself.
"We must be our own before we can be another's"
When I take care of myself spiritually and physically, I am undoubtedly happier.
When I am happier, our marriage is happier. I am more loving, more giving and more confident.
3. Forgive Instantly.
"Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way"
No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. I make them all the time!
But there is no room in our marriage for resentment. Resentment can build and grow
into something large and hideous. We forgive each other immediately, put it in the past and move on.
We learn from our mistakes but we don't dwell on them.
4. Pray Together.
"Families that pray together stay together"
I don't think there is anything that brings us closer. It increases our love and understanding for one another.
It helps us to focus on what really matters. It humbles us and brings us closer to God.
When we are closer to God we are closer to each other.
5. Have Fun!
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a way of life"
Marriage is a blast! We love to get out and enjoy life. Those adventurous memories are some of our favorites.
Having fun together, even in the littlest of ways, increases our love.
It makes life exciting and fills everyday with joy!
Everyday we choose joy and we choose each other.
I can't wait to see where eternity takes us!
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