When you're in love with your best friend, everything is fun!!
Just like our Friday night date.
If you live in the Utah Valley area, you MUST go to our favorite Mexican place- Maria Bonitas.
You will love Maria (she's the happiest, friendliest lady you will ever meet) and you will die over the food.
I'm sure everything is amazingly delicious, but Scott and I are hooked on the chicken fajitas. You can't go wrong ordering them. There is enough for us to share and take home leftovers-- which makes this an extremely affordable date night meal.

Then we headed to the Bijou market. Which was fabulous. Not Scott's fav since it involved a lot of jewelry
decor and girly things. He was a good sport though:)
After our short walk around the market we drove out to Utah lake, walked out to the end of the wave break, found a flat rock, cuddled up and watched the sun set. It was gorgeous and romantic. I love these simple but precious memories with my man.
To finish off the night, we rented The Life of Pi. We were curious about this movie after seeing it win so many Oscars. Now, any movie is great when cuddled up with your love, but lets just say we really really really liked this movie-- we've watched this movie three times now. I don't want to give anything away, because I think part of the reason we loved this movie so much was that we knew absolutely nothing about it. But, if you haven't seen it, go see it! If nothing else, the computer graphics will amaze you.
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