
Gifts come in all shapes and sizes, in different wrappings and some with fancy bows or ribbons. 

Today is my little sister's sixth birthday (6!). I don't know how she is already that old. 
Today this post is dedicated to her. 

All of the people in my life have been my greatest gifts and blessings;
 amazing parents, loyal friends, teachers, leaders, and a perfect husband. 

But there are two people in my life who are special gifts.
 Gifts that I treasure above almost everything in my life.

They are my siblings. 

Nick and Emily. 

The greatest gifts. 

You see, I'm the oldest and when I was 3 years old my parents decided it was time to add to the family. Three years later, after multiple miscarriages, in vetro, tears and a lot of wanting I was still an only child. I was young, but I remember wanting nothing more than a sibling. I remember many Christmas letters to Santa with a new sibling at the top of the list. And I can only image how hard this all was for my parents.

But then a miracle happened. 

A selfless, Christlike and loving birth-mother knew that her sweet unborn son was meant to be part of  our family. 

Even though I was young, I remember that beautiful day so clearly. I could barely hold in my excitement. I was going to be a big sister. I was going to have a brother, a buddy and a best friend. 
I held him first. From that moment, we have been the best friends. 

Ten years later another miracle happened. 

A selfless, Christlike and loving birth-mother knew that her sweet unborn daughter was meant to be part of our family. 

I was almost 16 then, so I can remember it like it was yesterday. Words will never describe the flow of emotions when this birth-mother placed my sweet little sister into my mothers arms. There was not a dry eye in the room.
Sitting on that bright red couch, five us now, our family felt complete. 

“Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.”

My siblings are a gift. 
I love them so much. More than words can express. 

Families Are Forever

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